A&J Made a Human

Thank you for celebrating the arrival of our badass baby girl.
Alex is officially overrun by St. Thomas ladies and that's how we like it!

Due Date

September 21, 2024


Click the button below to access our registry.

Our Wishlist

Please note, our household welcomes used items so if you already own/have found any of the items on our registry secondhand we'd be happy to use them! Just let Jacki know so she can coordinate.

In addition, Alex has requested wherever possible to please avoid Amazon.com for purchases due to the prevalence of counterfeit items (even when selecting reputable sellers). We appreciate you accommodating his preference where applicable.

Alternative Gifting

Registry not speaking to you? You can also contribute directly via one of the following funds:

If you wish to support us in this way, please Zelle Jacki at 310-625-7799 and put which fund you're contributing to in the notes section.


As first-time parents, we welcome any hot tips from our network! If you have advice, suggestions, other thoughts to share please contact us at advice@stt.baby.